Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Deep Thoughts for a Wednesday morning

So, when you let your Inner Dude out to become more passive (the Yang to the Yin) - from my last post-
then you also have to let your Inner Goddess out to let it become more assertive too.
It's only fair and good to be balanced in all things.

Take for instance, my love and adoration of Doreen Virtue and Louise Hay.

As a writer myself, I am enamored of them very much for making a big splash in the publishing world, but more so, in the world of Metaphysical Healing and personal power.

As I said yesterday, I think about all kinds of things. I think about Angels and Archangels and whether or not they will ever show themselves to me again. I saw one once. It's in my book and it was the absolutely most amazing thing I've ever seen.

I think about people yes, and while my post about The Dude pondered pointed thoughts and helped me vent a bit of my more Yang feelings, the thoughts I get from Doreen and Louise's perspective help make me be more positive and hopeful.

Yet both of these philosophies are One with each other.

Sounds kinda Dude-like, too, Doesn't it?

To believe in each and every person, and situation as whole and complete now. That we can manifest our own realities.

Oh it gets heavier, man. From the Course in Miracles (some pretty heavy duty reading in itself) it basically says the we have the conception of Time because we believe that the Universe needs improving. So we invented Time, so that we could incrementally measure progress. How'ere, once we believe that the Universe (and our world, lives, situations) are whole and complete as they are and need no improving,
Time will cease to exist.


So, in other words, that the person you think is messed up, may actually be happy there in the world of his own making. Once you believe that he is happy and does not need fixing, that you can let go of the need to change him to suit yourself and let him be, which let's you BE.

Because we are Human BE-ings.

That our lives are-as we have made them- (for some Cosmic or subconscious reason) and that once we envision them as perfect- they will manifest as such.

OK, I like this idea and it's a Lightworker's Guide to changing the World via Vibrational Thinking.

It may have some flaws (which, believe me,  I also ponder) including war, rape and pestilence....
But then again, if we believe that the world is a bad place... and that we are bad and need punishing....
then the vibration is sent out there for it to become reality.

Bad things do happen to good people. Yes, and good things do happen to bad people.
That one takes a lot of thought as to WHY must it be so.

But then again, we have had to execute labels (Good vs Bad) and have had to get a box to put all that judgmental blather in.

Hey, what if it's THE LABELS?

Maybe things aren't "Good" or "Bad" but that they are experiences of different kinds of vibrations that we, have for some reason, attracted.

We live in a world where the flapping of moth wings in Indonesia  may create storms on the other side of the world.

We live in a world where a baby's laughter can change a person's mood for the day or maybe their whole outlook on life.

We live in a world where a word can change a person's heart.

Manifesting starts by simply creating a better thought and then believing it..

Like, maybe your life isn't as bad as you think it is.
Maybe it's bad because you think it's bad.

Maybe the person who you think is totally selfish and conceited is actually happy inside being that way and that there is no need to change them. If  they need changing, they will change themselves.

We just have to make our life and our world the best it can be by manifesting good vibrations and living the best thought we can make for ourselves.
That we can create our own reality and make things different just by saying so.

Maybe a diet from the bad news of life and the constant pounding of negative thoughts would actually change the world into a better, healthier place if we only could spend the thought time on making it so.

Like....What do you think about YOU?

See what I mean?
Deep thoughts for a Wednesday morning. :)

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