Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Deep Thoughts for a Wednesday morning

So, when you let your Inner Dude out to become more passive (the Yang to the Yin) - from my last post-
then you also have to let your Inner Goddess out to let it become more assertive too.
It's only fair and good to be balanced in all things.

Take for instance, my love and adoration of Doreen Virtue and Louise Hay.

As a writer myself, I am enamored of them very much for making a big splash in the publishing world, but more so, in the world of Metaphysical Healing and personal power.

As I said yesterday, I think about all kinds of things. I think about Angels and Archangels and whether or not they will ever show themselves to me again. I saw one once. It's in my book and it was the absolutely most amazing thing I've ever seen.

I think about people yes, and while my post about The Dude pondered pointed thoughts and helped me vent a bit of my more Yang feelings, the thoughts I get from Doreen and Louise's perspective help make me be more positive and hopeful.

Yet both of these philosophies are One with each other.

Sounds kinda Dude-like, too, Doesn't it?

To believe in each and every person, and situation as whole and complete now. That we can manifest our own realities.

Oh it gets heavier, man. From the Course in Miracles (some pretty heavy duty reading in itself) it basically says the we have the conception of Time because we believe that the Universe needs improving. So we invented Time, so that we could incrementally measure progress. How'ere, once we believe that the Universe (and our world, lives, situations) are whole and complete as they are and need no improving,
Time will cease to exist.


So, in other words, that the person you think is messed up, may actually be happy there in the world of his own making. Once you believe that he is happy and does not need fixing, that you can let go of the need to change him to suit yourself and let him be, which let's you BE.

Because we are Human BE-ings.

That our lives are-as we have made them- (for some Cosmic or subconscious reason) and that once we envision them as perfect- they will manifest as such.

OK, I like this idea and it's a Lightworker's Guide to changing the World via Vibrational Thinking.

It may have some flaws (which, believe me,  I also ponder) including war, rape and pestilence....
But then again, if we believe that the world is a bad place... and that we are bad and need punishing....
then the vibration is sent out there for it to become reality.

Bad things do happen to good people. Yes, and good things do happen to bad people.
That one takes a lot of thought as to WHY must it be so.

But then again, we have had to execute labels (Good vs Bad) and have had to get a box to put all that judgmental blather in.

Hey, what if it's THE LABELS?

Maybe things aren't "Good" or "Bad" but that they are experiences of different kinds of vibrations that we, have for some reason, attracted.

We live in a world where the flapping of moth wings in Indonesia  may create storms on the other side of the world.

We live in a world where a baby's laughter can change a person's mood for the day or maybe their whole outlook on life.

We live in a world where a word can change a person's heart.

Manifesting starts by simply creating a better thought and then believing it..

Like, maybe your life isn't as bad as you think it is.
Maybe it's bad because you think it's bad.

Maybe the person who you think is totally selfish and conceited is actually happy inside being that way and that there is no need to change them. If  they need changing, they will change themselves.

We just have to make our life and our world the best it can be by manifesting good vibrations and living the best thought we can make for ourselves.
That we can create our own reality and make things different just by saying so.

Maybe a diet from the bad news of life and the constant pounding of negative thoughts would actually change the world into a better, healthier place if we only could spend the thought time on making it so.

Like....What do you think about YOU?

See what I mean?
Deep thoughts for a Wednesday morning. :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Dudely Thoughts

It all started when I bought a new rug for my living room for a Christmas present to me. I found it and I just loved it. It made the whole room look great. I even found myself saying "It really pulls the room together."

Then a friend invited me to an "After the holidays Big Lebowski" themed party. But the event got canceled due to weather, so we all had to just "abide" and reschedule. Bummer Dude. Was really looking forward to it. I'd seen the movie a couple of times. The first time, I wasn't impressed. Which I guess is a common take for first timers. Then after having watching it a few more times, and pondering themes and symbols in it, I started to really groove on the Inner Meanings of the movie. The Dude has a lot going on that I can respect, know what I mean?

Then a friend asked me if I was ordained as a minister to do Earthen weddings. Well, no, I wasn't, but had always thought about it. It was like a bunch of freaking SIGNS. 

So on January 1, 2015 the first thing I did when I went online that day was to surf to to become an insta-minister for such things. I even ordered my Ordination Credentials.
But wait, there's more. I didn't stop there. I went over to and went and became a "Dudeist Priest" there as well. Because, well, I do a lot of programs for several Unitarian Universalist Churches, and I really love Theology. I'm growing and changing. I'm trying to be laid back more and more all the time. I feel like I'm a pretty kewl person, and tolerant of most people and cultures. And of course, my rug really pulled the room all together, so it was like yet another sign. 
Sent for those Ordination Credentials too.

Felt pretty damn good about it, so I kicked back and waited.

Waiting is good for the Soul.
People have often told me that I'm not a patient person. But really, man, if you only knew how fucking patient I truly am, you would know that I'm pretty fucking amazing patient, because when people cross the line on me, I usually cut them out breaks for a long time, you know? Then when I finally loose my kewl, they say that I was impatient. Oh hell no. I've just gotten to the point where they need to be in the world of pain that they created in my world. It's only fair, Dude. You pissed on my rug, then I will piss on yours.

Anyways, while I was kicking back, enjoying some greenery, hanging out having some Butter Beer (hey, I was in Florida at Universal so, I discovered that Butter Beer with a rum kick is the next best thing to a White Russian...) 

I realized something really friggin' important.

Like Dude, I know I've always been different than other people. See, I ponder shit that most other folks don't. Like what is God like, are Angels actually our Higher Self, did ancient cultures have aliens and influence evolution. Shit like that and more. I told someone the other day "I wonder psychologically about you."

Well, I do. I wonder about him, and I wonder about you, and I wonder about my family members, my co-workers,  the World, the Universe, myself, and even my dog,  and I wonder why the fuck they (we) all do the shit we do.

Don't you?

Like why do some folks profess one thing and then do another just the opposite?
That one has me baffled the most of all in my life and I'm still trying to get a daily handle on it.

Like, I tried to figure out my friend who cried all day in a dark room on a gorgeous day with friends all around to play with, and when asked "What's wrong?" many times, she just sniffled and wiped tears and said she was "Fine."
"Are you sick?? Can we do anything for you??"
"No, I'm fine."
"OK then, but I'm pretty sure you aren't fine, but if you say so...." And she said she was, and I asked repeatedly, then I figured she was just working something out, so I left her to her tears just like she wished.

Or like, I try to figure out someone at work that I know, who reads and professes all kinds of Alternative Energy Healing with Crystals and Angels and Positive Affirmation, but who absolutely hates everyone she comes into contact with and won't talk to them or have conversations with them.

It kind of all blows my fucking mind.

Now, I'm not saying I'm perfect here, Dude, cuz I'm NOT.
I'm a mess of conundrums myself. I had a long conversation with my husband yesterday, and said about myself, "I just think about philosophical shit all the fucking time. Like, don't YOU?"

And he said, like, he didn't. He likes to ponder schematics instead. OK, well, that's like some sort of Sacred Geometry in my mind. But then I went on about another friend that is an enigma to me, "Like why would someone enjoy playing a part, loving a subject totally, then tell you they don't believe in it, and don't think about it? I mean, Dude, like, by association, if some person loved drawing engines, for instance, and he thought about gears and shit all the time, and he could tell you all about the working mechanics of a machine...then told you, after all that... they tell you that they think it's all crap and they don't believe the thing works...doesn't that prove that they really DO believe in it, regardless of what they say?!"

"Most people are into their TV and surfing the web. They don't think about this. You are in the low minority, Dude" is what my husband said.

"But Dude, I think people are EVOLVING. But yah, there are others standing still or devolving, I guess..." I pondered outloud.

I had a dream last night about another friend of mine. A very kewl harper. He's pretty laid back and a Dudeist Priest too, even if he doesn't have the kewl documentation, he IS one. For REAL.
In my dream, he had on antlers and was dressed like some sort of Mystic Horned God with jewels and held my hand and said he was "going into my psyche to help me "find out what you remember."

Kewl beans. I was excited! For I dearly want to know- what I know- that I'm not telling myself.

The Mystic did some sort of deep Vulcan mind meld and then handed me back my hand with a sad shake of his head and said, "You are blocked from knowing" and he then curled up into his Dark Crystal kneeling prayer stance and went back into his meditation.

Well, shit. I was kinda hoping that I'd get some word from me -through him- as to why the fuck I keep thinking these Great Philosophical Questions. I mean, I'm just bizarre as shit like this and now, I see it goes Bone Deep. Or Pysche Deep and most people think I'm fucked up. While I think they may be fucked because they can't hear it, feel it or try to live it.

I also had some real time conversations with two other friends over the weekend, and they both said that they "don't think about any of this shit. Like what the Meaning of Life is, or what their particular Life Purpose is, or what they should do with their year ahead or even How they Affect the Planet or the Universe."

I was crestfallen.
I thought everyone thinks about this shit. They don't????
They just turn the station up louder when this crap hits their cranium?

Or even weirder....How the hell have I become associated with people who are so dead inside to all this profound shit???
Why are they my friends? I don't get them, and obviously, they don't "get me."
So "shut the fuck up, Donny."

I can't fucking tune it out. It's too loud already.

So, I'm just trying to kick back and listen and go with the flow and keep thinking these Profound Thoughts and keep doing my Deep Analyzing, like some sort of Cosmic Detective, because, well, when it comes down to it,
and I really need to keep being myself. Whoever the fuck that is.
Even if I am one of the weirdest creatures I know of.

Maybe some Credence will help.
Click here to listen to some Creedence, Dude.

Catch ya on down the road.....

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Our Town

In my first post here in this bright and shiny new blogspot, I wanted to talk about gratefulness.

This last year, I wrote and published my first book. It was a simply amazing process. Writing your true life experiences down, whether for publishing, or for pure self exploration never to be published and seen by others, is an extremely edifying catharsis.

You are able to look back at your life, from the safety of the future, and see things in a new and different light. The light of time that has passed. You can see the child or person you were, and you can have sympathy for that person. You can also realize maybe that you were an idiot sometimes, or that you were gregarious beyond your means. You can also have empathy for the folks who were around you. You can also see monsters in the light of day.

I would HIGHLY recommend that anyone reading this...that YOU, who are reading this, write your memoir. Start by opening a Word Document and begin with writing out a memory.
ANY memory.
It doesn't matter what you remember, just imagine it with as much detail, sound, sight and actions that you can muster.
Really relive that particular moment, whether it's just petting a cat or a car journey.
Remember the sights and feelings and scents.
Relive it fully!

There may be laughter. There may be tears. There may be fear. There may be great love.

But this memory is YOURS and yours alone. Share it or don't share it.

Then write another memory on another day.
File this memory in your Word Document and put it before or after your first story.
This is how you start to amass YOUR STORY, which will take shape before your very eyes.

Something MAGICKAL will happen.

You will see yourself....and others.....through new eyes.
Through eyes that have seen much more than the day that event happened to you.

In a way, it's much like one of the last scenes in the play "Our Town" (which I always hated, btw).
One of the characters, Emily, now dead, goes back to relive her 12th birthday. She finds it too painful to relive and regrets much of her life, which had gone unpondered and unlived while living.

If you really think your life sucks right now....then I would suggest this exercise:

Think of yourself in the grave.

The quiet. The dark. The cold. The silence. 

What would you be doing different if you had the chance to breathe again?

What situation or life experience would you savor if you only could?

Is there anything you would change if you could?

Life is for living my dearie darlings. While Emily in the play didn't like looking back, nor did she like what she found, she DID find that people should be grateful for THIS DAY.

And I found when looking back in my book, that there was much to learn and I am grateful for all I went through, learned and experienced!

There is MUCH joy in every person, place and event. Just think about it as if you weren't allowed to be there, if you were instead, cold in a grave, how sweet and delicious this particular moment would be if you weren't allowed it. Ebeneezer Scrooge felt this way as he cried on his imagined grave. He thought of what a dumb, selfish shit he'd been, and vowed to change.

It is a Powerful Exercise indeed. For Your Life, when pondered, changes from disgust and regret into beauty and HOPE. The possibilities are ENDLESS.

Aye, the grave can wait for me.

But in the meantime....I will LIVE life to the fullest.

Emily, Scrooge and I all approve if you will only do the same.

Remember.....the "Present" is a GIFT.